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Cookie Policy


This website uses cookies to enhance functionality and your user experience. Cookies serve, for example, to identify your access device, which is useful for ensuring access to all areas of the website or to support specific functionalities. By browsing this website, you consent to the use of cookies.


What are cookies?


Cookies are small text files that contain anonymous information and are stored on your access device by the website through your browser.


What are cookies used for?


Cookies are widely used on the internet to ensure websites function correctly and to provide essential information to website managers, facilitating faster and more efficient navigation.


How to manage cookies?


Cookies can be managed directly through your browser settings (the program you use to browse the internet).


Other cookies


While browsing this site, you may also receive other cookies, specifically those set by external platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, among others, as well as cookies set by tools like Google Analytics or others that we may use to obtain statistical information about website usage. If you prefer not to accept Google Analytics cookies, please see here how you can decline them.


Privacy Policy


Personal Data Processing


Sérgio Cabreira Unipessoal, Lda is the entity responsible for processing the personal data of visitors to the website and is committed to ensuring their confidentiality.


Data Collected


The personal information that may be collected through the Sérgio Cabreira Unipessoal, Lda website includes your name, email address, and phone or mobile number.


Purpose of Processing


All personal information collected through the use of the Sérgio Cabreira Unipessoal, Lda website will be used solely to help make your visit to the website as productive and enjoyable as possible.


Rights of the Data Subject


All personal information relating to clients or visitors who use the Sérgio Cabreira Unipessoal, Lda website will be processed in accordance with national and European data protection legislation. You may request to view, correct, transfer, or delete your data from our database here. You also have the right to file complaints with the competent authorities. You may exercise your rights by using the Personal Data Inquiry Form or by contacting us at


Retention and Security


The period for which data is stored and retained varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed. Thus, and whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and retained only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes that led to its collection or subsequent processing. Sérgio Cabreira Unipessoal, Lda is committed to ensuring the security of the personal data provided. To this end, various security measures of a technical and organizational nature have been adopted to protect the personal data against dissemination, loss, misuse, alteration, processing, unauthorized access, or any other form of unlawful processing. Despite the security measures adopted, as an internet user, the website visitor should always adopt additional security measures, such as ensuring the use of a computer and browser updated in terms of properly configured security patches, with active firewall, antivirus, and antispyware, and verifying the authenticity of websites visited, avoiding sites of questionable reputation.


The use of Sérgio Cabreira Unipessoal, Lda’s website presumes full knowledge of this Privacy Policy, which may be modified without prior notice. Therefore, we recommend that you regularly check this page to stay updated.


Automated Data Processing


Like other websites, we collect and use information contained in advertisements, website, email, and other brand channels. The information analysed includes your IP address (Internet Protocol), your ISP (Internet Service Provider, such as Sapo, Clix, or others), the browser used to visit our website (e.g., Internet Explorer or Firefox), the duration of your visit and which pages were visited within the Sérgio Cabreira Unipessoal, Lda website, as well as email or newsletter clicks, opens, and forwards.


Links to Third-Party Websites


Sérgio Cabreira Unipessoal, Lda’s website contains links to other websites which, in our view, may contain useful information or tools for visitors. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to third-party websites; therefore, if you visit another website from ours, you should read the Privacy Policy of that website. We are not responsible for the privacy policy or content of third-party websites.


Complaints Book


Using the Complaints Book


The Electronic Complaints Book results from the “Simplex+ 2016” programme, established by Decree-Law No. 74/2017, published in the Diário da República No. 118/2017, Series I of 2017-06-21, and aims to provide a digital platform through which consumers can submit information requests to the Regulatory and/or Supervisory Entity, compliments and/or suggestions to the economic operator, and also submit complaints to the economic operator. In the Online Complaints Book, you can carry out any of the three mentioned actions and, if you have already submitted a complaint, you can also check its status.


Alternative Dispute Resolution


In the event of a dispute, the consumer may refer to an Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity:


- Centre for Consumer Information and Arbitration of Porto

  - Address: Rua Damião de Góis, 31 – Loja 6 – 4050-225 Porto

  - Tel.: 225 508 349 / 225 029 791

  - Fax: 225 026 109

  - Email:

  - Web:


- Centre for Consumer Conflict Arbitration of Lisbon

  - Address: Rua dos Douradores, 116, 2nd Floor - 1100-207 Lisbon

  - Tel.: 218 807 030

  - Fax: 218 807 038

  - Email: /

  - Web:

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